

About Chris Shipway Consulting

How Chris Can Help

Chris is a design and innovation specialist. He can share expertise in a range of areas including: Person Centred Design & Design Thinking; Lean Design Skills; Redesign processes; Collaborative methodology; Web charts/Fishbone Diagrams; Process Flowcharts; and Value Chains.

Wide ranging implementation knowledge and experience. You need to ensure that your implementation process genuinely embeds your new program or procedures so that it becomes business as usual. Chris can share implementation expertise in relation to a range of approaches and methodologies including: AIM (Accelerated Implementation methodology); Nudge techniques; Program Logic; and Driver Diagrams.

Providing an independent view. There are times when you need someone outside your organisation to provide advice or analysis who is seen to be independent of the day to day workings and politics of your organisation. Chris brings vast organisational experience in health and human service organisations and can deliver that independent view that you are seeking.

Expert at taking your requirements and developing a clear project plan and scope that will achievable and realistic.

Ability to turn around that urgent proposal or fast track a design process.

Executive level policy skills and a track record of translating policy goals into reality.

Exceptional project management skills – delivering on time, on budget, with high value.

Techniques to work with teams to make informed and transparent decisions about priorities.

Established processes to develop clear goals and document the pathways and logical steps that will achieve those goals

Adept at transforming conflict into shared understanding and appreciation of different perspectives.

Taking the evidence and using it to build exciting innovative programs that deliver.

Focusing on results and finding the data and evidence that ensures we will achieve those results.

“I Love Working With Teams, Particularly When They Are Seeking To Tackle Impossible Issues Or Deliver Lasting Positive Change For The Everyone In Our Community. If It Sounds Like I Can Be Of Assistance, Please Give Me Call To Discuss How I Can Help.”

The Problems Chris Solves

You Need a Strategy that Delivers the Results You Want…

Problem: “No-one values us or takes us seriously. No-one really cares about our clients. We never have enough money and we are always being asked to do more with less….and given more and more paperwork.”

Chris’ Solution: : “Build credibility with a strong vision, narrative and strategy that will deliver the results that you want. I can work with you to take the services that you deliver and build a strategy so that potential partners and funders will be beating a path to your door.”


Something’s Not Working in Your Service and You Need to Fix It Fast…

Problem: “I have a service that is vitally important to my clients but it is not delivering all that I expected it would. I need to know why and how to improve it.”

Chris’ Solution: “I can work with you to take your service and redesign it so your client’s satisfaction and outcomes will significantly improve.”


You Want to Work With Other Agencies Like Its One Service System…

Problem: “Getting different agencies and sectors to cooperate can seem impossible. All the systems and processes conspire against working together and engagement. Does anyone want to cooperate?”

Chris’ Solution: “We can make the impossible possible. Together we will access different integrated care models and systems from Australia and around the world. We will use those models as your inspiration to develop a strategy that guarantees enhanced cooperation and engagement.”