

My Track Record

Something’s Not Working in Your Service and You Need to Fix It Fast

Delivering a World Class Musculoskeletal Service in NSW

World class treatment of Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis requires hospitals to redesign the way that patients are treated. I provided leadership, direction and strategic advice to the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation’s Musculoskeletal Network to drive the change process – with an emphasis on improved diet, exercise and evidence-based pharmacotherapies. The redesigned services are having a significant and sustained impact on patient outcomes and unnecessary hospital admissions. They are seen internationally as an exemplar of best practice.


Improving Chronic Pain Services in NSW

I led the 2011 Ministerial Advisory Group that reviewed pain services in NSW. The Review found that more services should be delivered outside of hospital and closer to home. Working with the ACI Chronic Pain Network we increased access to services through: telehealth; primary care; Aboriginal and multicultural health; online consumer resources; and the expansion of services in Local Health Districts.

The NSW Chronic Pain Services Evaluation and Outcomes Register show sustained improvements for patients as a result of service redesign and improvement.


NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation Musculoskeletal Network Manager 2009-2018

Robyn Speerin

“Chris’s support and guidance for over six years were critical to the success of the network activities across many areas of care that are important to people living with these chronic conditions. For example, our efforts to embed the Osteoporotic Refracture Prevention (ORP) and Osteoarthritis Chronic Care (OACCP) programs in every Local Health District across NSW were enhanced by his guidance. His project management approach and focus on achieving deliverables was critical to success. Chris’ knowledge of the business drivers in Primary Health Networks and Local Health Districts greatly assisted us to design implementation strategies that were genuinely acceptable and applicable in both health care settings.”