

My Track Record

Working With Agencies Like Its One Service System

Moving Beyond Silos

I specialise in building empowered teams that work across clinical and sectoral boundaries. I support leaders to see beyond their silos, identify larger problems and build relationships to address those problems.

This enabled the ACI Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program to partner with iCare to establish a state-wide Vocational Support Program to return people with brain injuries to the workforce.


Similarly the ACI Pain Network to collaborated with General Practices and Primary Health Networks to build an online tool for GPs to make good treatment plans for patients with chronic pain.


Healthcare Neighbourhoods

The critical challenge of integrated care is building real partnerships and teams that drive changed service delivery. Working with GPs, Specialist Clinicians, Primary Health Networks and Local Health Districts we developed a Healthcare Neighbourhood Program. The program provides online and face-to-face solutions to support better working partnerships. These tools and resources are currently being utilised to build stronger working relationships in North Sydney and Western Sydney.


Chief Executive – Sydney North Health Network

Lynelle Hales

“Chris has been a key source of advice and guidance to PHNs in NSW particularly in relation to building effective partnerships and systems with Local Health Districts. His establishment of the Navigating the Healthcare Neighbourhood Program is one example of his vision and practical approach to enabling and supporting positive, results focussed change. North Sydney PHN and LHD eagerly embraced the opportunity to participate in Navigating the Healthcare Neighbourhood as a vehicle to develop the systems required to deliver integrated health care in North Sydney.”