

How Chris’s skills and experience can help you ...

  • Policy & program development

    Working with you and your stakeholders to deliver evidence based initiatives that deliver the results you want.

  • Organisational Strategy, planning & review

    To optimise the capability and capacity of your team and deliver clarity about your key objectives and activities.

  • Design & Innovation Processes

    To help you solve seemingly intractable problems and tackle the hardest issues.

  • Group Facilitation and Team Building

    To help you build systems and culture that unlock the creativity and capability of your organisation.

  • Evaluation & Review of Policies & Programs

    To determine the impact of initiatives and opportunities for improvement.


Design & Innovation Processes

To help you solve seemingly intractable problems and tackle the hardest issues.

Chris is a design and innovation specialist. You may have the internal policy or clinical expertise but not the design chops that you need to drive the development of a particular policy or program idea. Chris has extensive experience at NSW’s premier health innovation agency. He can share expertise in a range of areas including: Person Centred Design & Design Thinking; Lean Design Skills; Redesign processes; Collaborative methodology; Web charts/Fishbone Diagrams; Process Flowcharts; and Value Chains.

You also need to ensure that your implementation process genuinely embeds your new program or procedures so that it becomes business as usual. Chris has wide ranging implementation knowledge and experience. He can share practical implementation expertise utilising a range of approaches and methodologies such as: AIM (Accelerated Implementation Methodology); Nudge techniques; Program Logic; and Driver Diagrams.

Chris particularly enjoys:

  • Building social capital and making change happen
  • Utilising consumer engagement and co-design techniques
  • Building cultural competency and delivering real results for the most disadvantaged and marginalised in our communities
  • Helping people to cut through bureaucratic red tape
  • Daring to tackle the hardest issues and doing what seems impossible.