

How Chris’s skills and experience can help you ...

  • Policy & program development

    Working with you and your stakeholders to deliver evidence based initiatives that deliver the results you want.

  • Organisational Strategy, planning & review

    To optimise the capability and capacity of your team and deliver clarity about your key objectives and activities.

  • Design & Innovation Processes

    To help you solve seemingly intractable problems and tackle the hardest issues.

  • Group Facilitation and Team Building

    To help you build systems and culture that unlock the creativity and capability of your organisation.

  • Evaluation & Review of Policies & Programs

    To determine the impact of initiatives and opportunities for improvement.


Evaluation & Review of Policies & Programs

To determine the impact of initiatives and opportunities for improvement.

There are times when you need someone to provide advice or analysis who is seen to be independent of the day to day workings and politics of your organisation. Chris brings vast organisational experience in health and human service organisations and can deliver that independent view that you are seeking.

Chris can also deliver formal evaluations and reviews of policies and programs. In consultation with Chris you can select from a range of technologies to support your evaluation process including: stakeholder consultations; program logic; process flowcharts; and value chains.

Diagnostic processes can also be utilised to tell you about: your operating environment; your policy/program/organisation’s status in that environment; and the evidence in relation to the issue you are addressing.

Chris will work with you to ensure you get the answers you need in relation to the impact and effectiveness of your policy/program and to identify those components that can be improved.