

How Chris’s skills and experience can help you ...

  • Policy & program development

    Working with you and your stakeholders to deliver evidence based initiatives that deliver the results you want.

  • Organisational Strategy, planning & review

    To optimise the capability and capacity of your team and deliver clarity about your key objectives and activities.

  • Design & Innovation Processes

    To help you solve seemingly intractable problems and tackle the hardest issues.

  • Group Facilitation and Team Building

    To help you build systems and culture that unlock the creativity and capability of your organisation.

  • Evaluation & Review of Policies & Programs

    To determine the impact of initiatives and opportunities for improvement.


Group Facilitation and Team Building

To help you build systems and culture that unlock the creativity and capability of your organisation.

Design and decisions usually have the best results when developed by groups. Chris loves leveraging the power of groups to ensure that our solutions are grounded in the spectrum of experience of our teams and communities.

Sometimes different points of view can lead to conflict and impede our decision making and effective implementation. When that happens we need to align different perspectives without compromising the integrity and authenticity of those viewpoints. Chris can help you to surface underlying issues so that the conflict is transformed into shared understanding and appreciation of difference.

Chris can:

  • Facilitate workshops, forums and groups (big and small) and help organisations to develop events and programs that deliver real outcomes
  • Unlock the potential of teams to recognise that they are greater than the sum of their parts
  • Help you to build environments that support creativity, innovation and co-design.