

How Chris’s skills and experience can help you ...

  • Policy & program development

    Working with you and your stakeholders to deliver evidence based initiatives that deliver the results you want.

  • Organisational Strategy, planning & review

    To optimise the capability and capacity of your team and deliver clarity about your key objectives and activities.

  • Design & Innovation Processes

    To help you solve seemingly intractable problems and tackle the hardest issues.

  • Group Facilitation and Team Building

    To help you build systems and culture that unlock the creativity and capability of your organisation.

  • Evaluation & Review of Policies & Programs

    To determine the impact of initiatives and opportunities for improvement.


Organisational Strategy, planning & review

Optimise the capability and capacity of your team and deliver clarity about your key objectives and activities.

Chris has a depth of experience working with Government and community-based systems. He understands the policy, operational and clinical contexts, the political sensitivities and the people, cultures and systems that impact service delivery.

Utilising that experience Chris can work closely and confidentially with you and your team to:

  • identify significant strategic or management issues faced by your organisation
  • review your organisation’s management systems, processes and structures
  • develop business processes that reflect your strategic intent
  • undertake staff, customer and stakeholder surveys and analysis to inform these processes.

He can assist your leadership team to build an environment and strategy that reflects your organisation’s values and focusses on your key deliverables.

In particular Chris specialises in:

  • Working with teams to make informed and transparent decisions about priorities
  • Leveraging the power of groups, teams and communities to generate strategies that are grounded in our diverse experience
  • Creating spaces and environments for dealing with challenging issues that may have your organisation stuck
  • Processes to develop clear goals and to document the pathways and key actions that will achieve those goals.