

How Chris’s skills and experience can help you ...

  • Policy & program development

    Working with you and your stakeholders to deliver evidence based initiatives that deliver the results you want.

  • Organisational Strategy, planning & review

    To optimise the capability and capacity of your team and deliver clarity about your key objectives and activities.

  • Design & Innovation Processes

    To help you solve seemingly intractable problems and tackle the hardest issues.

  • Group Facilitation and Team Building

    To help you build systems and culture that unlock the creativity and capability of your organisation.

  • Evaluation & Review of Policies & Programs

    To determine the impact of initiatives and opportunities for improvement.


Policy & program development

Working with you and your stakeholders to deliver evidence-based initiatives that achieve the results that you want.

Chris has executive level policy skills and a track record of translating policy goals into reality. Coupled with exceptional project management skills – he delivers on time and on budget with high value.

Chris will work with you to take your requirements and develop a clear project plan and scope that is achievable and realistic. He can turn around that urgent proposal or fast track a design process when delivery is urgent.

Chris uses proven policy/program diagnostic and development tools (see Design & Innovation processes) to deliver the product that you want.

He will work with you to:

  • focus on results
  • utilise data and evidence to achieve those results and
  • engage stakeholders to road test your emerging solutions.